Problem Formulation and User Research 101 by Prof PVM Rao (HOD, Design Dept, IITD)

P. V. Madhusudhan Rao is professor in departments of mechanical engineering and design at IIT Delhi. He also serves as head of the department of design. He is a co-founder of Assistech lab in Khosla school of information technology, which works towards development of assistive technologies for empowerment of visually challenged. As a coordinator of IIT Delhi Design Innovation Center (DIC), he is also responsible for initiating and driving multiple programs in design, innovation & entrepreneurship.
He obtained his bachelors in mechanical engineering from college of engineering, Osmania university, masters in mechanical engineering from IIT BHU and his Ph.D from IIT Kanpur. He was a guest researcher to US government's National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), USA Five times between 1996-2007. He was visiting scientist to Massachusetts Institute of Technology during summer 2005 and visiting faculty to Stanford University during Spring 2012.